
Goal-Setting for Moms in 5 Easy Steps!

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If you’re a goal-setting mom, this year, it’s going to be great! Goal-setting is important to know where you are headed.

Goal-setting can give you a clear direction of where you are and where you want to be. When you set goals, you have a map for your future. It helps prepare you for the coming year.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

~Benjamin Franklin

Isn’t that so true? Of all people, moms need to plan too! A plan starts with setting goals.

Moms Do A LOT

Think about all the big and little things that moms do…. there’s a lot if you make a list. From cooking, cleaning, running kids around, home management, working, budgeting, etc, there’s a lot to keep track of!

You often hear in athletic games, “the best defense is a good offense!”

Besides athletic teams, that’s true for moms as well. Our best defense for NOT living a crazy life is planning (#paid link) for a manageable one. That means goal-setting!

To illustrate, think of trying to stay on a financial budget without one. Is that really even possible? Not knowing what your financial budget makes it impossible to stick to it!

Likewise, our time is the same way. If we don’t plan it or “budget” our time, we can’t effectively manage our life or our time.

Without a plan or map of where we are going….. we may not get there. Most likely we won’t.

First of all, you need to know where you are going! After that, you need to know the reason why you are headed that way. And last, you need to figure out how to get there.

Otherwise, you’ll look back on your life and be sad you never got to where you wanted to be or become what you wanted to become because you didn’t know where you were going in the first place.

Goal-setting helps to eliminate a little of the unknown. It helps us focus our time and energy on what we really want.

Want Something New?…think again!

Recently, I was mesmerized by some new fancy crafting appliances that had lots of bells and whistles.

I thought I really wanted one, but after talking to my husband about the prospect of getting one, he helped me realize that I would have to give up something else that I really like to do in my “extra time” just to have time to play around with it.

Think it through, avoid distractions

Boy did that conversation change my mind! By talking to me through the reasons I wanted one, he helped me make a good decision about what I wanted to focus on in the coming year and realistically the extra time I had to do it in.

That new craft thing I wanted was only going to be a distraction right now. It wasn’t going to help me achieve my desired goals. I have the tools I need to reach my goals, I just need to take time to use them and not be distracted by anything else!

You see, I love to sew, craft, bake, take pictures and just create. I am also a very busy mom of 8 children and six of them are still living at home, 7 of them are in school. Therefore, my life is pretty crazy on a good day.

Watch Out For Time Wasters

In order to have any “extra time” to spend on my hobbies, it takes some serious planning. That also means eliminating some things!…

For example: eliminating a new craft appliance that I don’t have time to learn to use and that I may not love.

For some people, it may mean cutting down on social media or mindless games, or some other time waster that does not help us achieve our goals.

Avoid distractions!

Mom Planning

Some of a mom’s planning may include what’s for dinner, who has activities that day, and who needs to run somewhere?

Not to mention, what do I have tomorrow and do I need to prepare for it today? How long will that take? What can wait and what doesn’t matter? What must I do today?

On top of that, any personal goals that we moms might want to achieve… getting in shape, or reading a book, or learning something new. Do you have lists going on in your head, too?

We Can’t Have It All…and We Can’t Do It All… Be Wise

Sometimes we moms think that we can do everything. We are amazing multi-taskers!  Even though we are capable of doing so much, we can’t do it all. (Nor, should we!) Sometimes we just need time to think!

I’m grateful for a sweet hubby that helps me think things through when I’m blinded by the next new shiny object! 🙂 Watch out for those shiny things! They can blind the best of us and keep us from reaching our goals!

In short, protect your precious time… you only have so much!

Don’t waste your time on anything that will steal your goals and dreams away from you.


Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends, there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.

~Thomas A. Edison

So how do moms set goals for the coming year?

Step 1: Plan

Start with a plan or vision of how you want your year to be.  WHERE are you headed? WHAT do you want to become? Imagine, dream big, plan your best year ever…

Step 2: Define Areas You Will Work On

Include different areas of your life: spiritual, work, family, hobbies, health, personal, financial, relationships, educational, social, etc.

The goal is to set goals that will help you achieve your dreams and help you become better… they are meant to stretch you!  WHY are you headed there?

Step 3: Ask Yourself Questions, Get Ideas Flowing

  • What do I want to accomplish this year?
  • Where do I start?
  • What are my BIG DREAMS and GOALS?
  • What should be my main focus?
  • How will I handle setbacks?
  • What’s my action plan?
  • How will I record my progress? (planner, journal, notebook?)
  • What do I want to remember about this year?
  • How will I reward myself?
  • What can I learn to do this year?
  • What am I scared of and how can I overcome it?

Step 4: Step-It-Out & KISS*

Write down your actionable steps for the goals you set; make sure to Keep It Simple, Sweetie! (K.I.S.S.)  

Carefully consider your time. (Be realistic.)  

HOW are you going to get there?

Step 5: Get Going and then Celebrate!

Start immediately putting your plan into action. Be fearless! Remember your why and GET GOING!

Celebrate your accomplishments and keep a record of achievements in your journal.

New Year’s Goals Worksheet

For a simpler goal sheet, go here and there is one at the bottom of the post. It helps you set goals in 4 specific areas. (Keeping it simple is sometimes the best way to achieve your goals.)

You can also work on just one section at a time, then after completing it, move to the next section. This is powerful and effective. Goal-setting is worth our time.

It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

~Eleanor Roosevelt

Remember to think about where you are headed or what you want to become, why you want to, and how you’re going to get there. Be patient with yourself, and get going!

Remember, perfection is not the goal, but persistence and progress is!

Keep at it. With a little planning and preparation, this year can be your best ever!

If you’re gonna dream, you might as well DREAM BIG!

~Like my Dad would always say!

If you can dream it you can do it

Happy Planning!…. Dream Big! You can do this! This is YOUR year! Goal-setting is worth your time! Set goals, and start today!


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